Happy Holidays

Last week we explored the books of Jan Brett. We had so much fun reading about the silly animals cuddling up together in the mitten. Then we made our own mitten and animals. We also read about Hedgie the hedge hog, he's a pretty neat guy! We ended our week reading the Gingerbread Baby. We had lots of fun decorating our own gingerbread babies. We also had a new student join our Yellow class a great big welcome to Lauren! This week we began our Holidays around the world unit. We are learning about so many different holidays people celebrate. Throughout this unit we will be putting together a Holiday shape book. We are very busy this week and next week getting our books ready as well as other special projects getting our room ready for our Holiday party! Everyone is so very excited for the holidays! Don't forget to wear your Pajamas on Thursday Dec. 20th and Friday Dec 21! If you would like to bring in a special treat for the holidays these are the days to do so!

Opposites Week!

Wow November is over already this year is flying by! We had such a fun week learning about Opposites! On Monday and Tuesday we had paper on the top and the bottom of the table and we took turns drawing pictures. It was neat to see how different it was to draw o n paper that was taped to the bottom of the tables! We also used our senses for our smooth and rough colleague. On Friday we talked about Big and Little! We ended our week wearing the opposite of what we usually wear on a school day OUR PAJAMAS!! We began our week with a great big surprise our new art center arrived!! If your child has been bringing home more art work than usual that is why many of the children have been spending their free choice time in our new art center!!